Before anyone screams that the study was funded by Vibram, thus the results are suspect, let’s take a look at another study (Squadrone and Gallozzi, 2009)that compared experienced barefoot runners while running barefoot, in Vibrams, and in traditional Nike Air Max 90 Mujer cushioned shoes. They found that when running in Vibram Fivefingers, the runners had a significantly more plantarflexed foot at ground contact when compared to running in standard cushioned shoes. Thus, the adaptations observed by Lieberman et al. are perfectly in line with what experienced barefoot/minimalist runners do.What all of this suggests to me is that there is an adaptive response to Nike Air Max 90 Femme running in an ultraminimal shoe like the Vibram Fivefingers, and that this response may take time to manifest itself. The fact that two people landed on their forefoot at the outset suggests that adaptation was immediate in these individuals (don’t know their pattern in cushioned shoes). Furthermore, the fact that some people altered foot strike after six weeks in Vibrams whereas others did not could reflect the fact that some Nike M2K Tekno Womens individuals will heel strike no matter what (as a few habitually barefoot Kenyans observed by Lieberman did), or that adaptation occurs at different rates in different people (as I always like to emphasize, when it comes to biology, variation is the norm). It would be interesting to do the same study over a longer period of time, and also a parallel where some people were instructed on typical barefoot-style Adidas Superstar Mujer running form. This could help to further answer some of these questions.Perhaps most importantly, these results, although published only as supplementary data and not as an actual journal article, make me suspect of any study that compares form in individuals based upon an “on the spot” change in footwear condition. Ingrained movement patterns can be difficult to change (ever try to write with your non-dominant hand? – really Nike Air Max 270 Womens tough, but apparently it can be learned with time), and the ease with which form change might occur is probably highly variable from person to person. So, if you have the goal of modifying your running form by running barefoot or in ultraminimal shoes, be aware that though some changes may occur instantly, progressive change may continue to occur over a long period of time. Just how long it might take can be difficult to predict, and patience is therefore critical. Pushing too hard for a rapid change might just land you in a doctor’s office!I just finished reviewing the Guiliani article and I too was somewhat skeptical that the link was made between the onset of a new injury occuring concurrently with the change in shoe wear. While possible, I find it difficult to make that association alone without taking into full account Nike Air Max 270 Hombre all of the other possible variables that may have contributed to the injury. Certainly a level of acclimation must occur before diving head first into minimalist running. I found another interesting article by Finestone Epidemiology of metatarsal stress fractures versus tibial and femoral stress fractures during elite training. 2011 Foot and Ankle Int. They looked at several military recruits over the course of a year as they sequentially progressed through increasing levels of training. What they found was that there was an acclimation period that ultimately resulted in decreased incidence of stress fractures in the femur and tibia over the course of the year but no change in the incidence of metatarsal stress fractures. While shoe wear was not the controlled variable, it goes to show that even the most well trained Nike Air Max 2017 Dames and fit runners may be subject to these injuries no matter the footwear. From a personal perspective I strongly believe in an acclimation and learning period for minimalist running. My calves will attest to that!Even when I started barefoot running, I realized that running faster than what my body was used to, I would revert back to a rearfoot strike…as evidence by my pealing skin on my heal and intense sensitivity in the heal area. Also, I’m not sure that KSO’s help speed up this process at all. In fact, I’ve seen it completely destroy this process. I have a pair of Vibram KSO’s myself, and can definitely see the advantages of wearing them to learn minimalistic running. However, the issue that I’ve seen with them is that they provide too much cushion. Yes…too much cushion. What I’m about to say is all my own opinion, Nike Air Max 90 Hombre so take it with a grain of salt. The hard layer of thick plastic that separates your feet from the feel of the ground is what makes the the learning curve so tough, and causes injury.